Nice Instagram interview of our YES friends, Brian and Beth, who have been travelling the world for years using some surprising low cost lifestyles to help make senior life more affordable. They have lived in France, Portugal, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador, and many more. They both enjoy hiking in the mountains, and seeing new worlds. They are true Nomads with no fixed home address anymore, no debt, and explorers at heart.
The interview is about 60 minutes long: Instagram Link (note there a a few technical glitches in the beginning, but once you get past that it is stable)
Some of the items they discuss include:
- How do you find 1 month stays that include free lodging, food and transportation?
- What is the difference between Work Away and Home Sit?
- Air travel – Carry on vs checked bag.
- Walking across the border can be much cheaper than flying in some of the Latin countries.
- Dealing with Language differences.
- Apps for Nomad Life: Romeo, Moovit, Bus and public transit, YouTube.
- What about pick pockets, cash and credit card(s). Stolen spare tire story.
- Random happy events – Picnic with large Spanish family.
- Importance of mindset, planning and flexibility to go with the flow.
- Stories about: How to kill a GIANT spider, enjoying howler monkeys swaying in the tree tops, macaws and toucans.
- Next destinations: Alberta, Europe, Asia.
Notes from Instagram:
✨Create your travel “business plan”
✨Start small and start exploring in your own country & start to learn the travel tips needed to travel to other areas
✨Know your finances before hand and how you will get a recurring income
Plus so many fun travel stories and lots more tips and tricks on how to live the nomad life 😍
They were featured in one of our earlier articles, which relates to his blog entitled:
“How to Move your Wife to Mexico”
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