Would you Rollback your body age to 25 if you could?

Retiree’s might enjoy reading this Science Fiction book that stitches together some near future possibilities… It is a captivating science fiction novel set in 2047. The story revolves around an astronomer named Sarah, who played a crucial role in translating Earth’s first extraterrestrial message received 38 years earlier. When a second message arrives from an unknown […]

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Understanding Bird Language – to see more wildlife

We can understand the LANGUAGE of birds now. My new retirement hobby is learning how to do this. I was pleased to find a well written, popular book on this very topic. If you get the electronic edition, then you can actually hear sound clips of the various bird calls that he is describing while you read it. This will help you further enjoy being in the woods and seeing more wildlife, beyond just birds.

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Should earthlings be scared? Science based sci-fi

Should we be scared of interactions with aliens from outside of our solar system? This science fiction book series (trilogy+1) is built around realistic interpretations of today’s understanding of the science and physics of our Universe. Should we be sending probes and radio signals out into the universe advertising our existence here? The series (now […]

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