Pneumonia Vaccinations – Prevnar / Pneumovax

When I turned 65, my family doctor recommended that I get the “Prevnar” Pneumonia vaccination, to help protect me from Pneumonia related problems in old age. This article reviews the THREE choices. I learned that there is a Prevnar 13 and Prevnar 20, where the number relates to the number of individual “strains” of Pneumonia […]

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Understanding Bird Language – to see more wildlife

We can understand the LANGUAGE of birds now. My new retirement hobby is learning how to do this. I was pleased to find a well written, popular book on this very topic. If you get the electronic edition, then you can actually hear sound clips of the various bird calls that he is describing while you read it. This will help you further enjoy being in the woods and seeing more wildlife, beyond just birds.

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Taste of Greece, Greek food and dance in Halifax

At home now in Halifax, Nova Scotia, we enjoy the un-official beginning of summer at the Greek Festival. It has a bountiful selection of official Greek food and Greek dance featuring kids and adults dressed in national costume. We enjoyed the ultimate Greek platter. Souvlakia meat kabobs which are available in pork or chicken, with […]

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