Seville – Flamenco dance and Impressive Spanish culture

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We really enjoyed a side trip for a few days exploring Seville, during our Costa del Sol snowbird escape to Spain. My main association was the vibrant and expressive Flamenco dance (video below) which emerged from this Andalusian region incorporating a blend of GypsyMoorish (Arabic), and Spanish cultural influences.

We learned its deep cultural, architectural, and arts influences started in 30 AD with the Romans, but continues to be a center for all things Spanish. Many of the attractions are super sized, extravagant exhibitions that are meant to impress all who visit. Everything seems to combine a respect for the past, with an eye to current times and beyond. The very detailed craftmanship is everywhere. Lots of restaurants, cafe’s, bars, in a tourist friendly, very clean city which is fun to walk through the many narrow streets and alleys. Note that this is a night town, so breakfast is not generally available until after 9am, and most dinner restaurants don’t open until after 7:30pm

We took the hop-on hop-off bus tour to get a high level view of the town, which covered 14 stops on both sides of the river.


Below are the major attractions we spent time enjoying. Each has a link to a gallery of many more photos related to that attraction by clicking on the summary photo. Plus many OTHER photos.

Spain Pavilion: This huge public space is meant to impress, and came into existence in 1929 as a part a world exposition, celebrating the many provinces in Spain, with a circular canal with row-boats, and horse and buggy rides.

Surrounded by government offices, it has been used in Star Wars movie set, and others. Its amazing that people are comfortably sitting and walking on the fancy tile booths that represent each province in Spain.

Royal Alcázar Palace, incorporates a blend of tastes from various Royal owners starting with the Romans, then Arabic Moors, and Spanish Christians. The buildings and gardens fill about 10 acres.

Funky Mushroom honeycomb wooden art structure, Setas de Sevilla. An elevator takes you up to various pathways on the top with great panoramic views of the city. Be sure to watch the free 4D / 180 degree panoramic movie.

It even incorporates “smell” with the impressive insights to the town including a nice Flamenco dance. Beneath it the Antiquarium Roman village from 30 AD and a busy food market which offers many unique food choices including some delicacies like “lamb brains”.

The Gothic Cathedral and associated bell tower (104 M) the Giralda is impressive from the outside. Inside requires ticket. The bell tower was actually a minaret during Moorish times. The scaffolding on the right side has a stairway for the workers to start their day with a good climb.

Ruins of a Roman village have been preserved under the “Mushroom” as an Antiquarium. It was discovered during its construction and the Mushroom structure had to be built floating above this important space.

Walking through the village you see the foundation walls of many old homes, including some with tile floor mosaics, plus some fish salting tanks which was important back then.

The watchtower of Oro, stands prominently at the edge of the river on the promenade. You can climb to the top for a better view. The river area has lots of restaurants, a bull fighting ring museum, bicycle paths, tour boats, and even a Spanish Galleon replica. As short walk across the bridge to a community of ceramics artisans, a food marketplace and a Spanish Inquisition museum.

The Las Dueanas Mansion and gardens where Aristocrats of the House of Alba, dating back to 1500s, have lived. The current generation still live here sometimes (in a private section).

Its delightful to see so many personal details left in place as you can see in this library. Its like dropping in to visit your long lost Aunt. Jackie Kennedy was a friend and left a photo in the 1960’s.

Focus on Science and technology was a pleasant surprise to me. The space ship in the horizon is a replica of European Cohete Ariane 4 rocket. The hot air balloon is a tethered ride in the technology park area.

Two of the bridges use unique Engineering designs – especially the single Alamillo Bridge, cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge

The Spanish really celebrate Easter in a big way, using ornately decorated “floats” called Easter paso, which are carried through the streets by a group of people called Cofradias.

Many have a highly decorated depiction of the Virgin Mary, and lots of candles. Many of the polychrome artworks are painted 3D wooden carvings of people, with amazing detail originating from the 16th century. One group wears distinctive colored tall pointy hats with their faces masked as a part of the ceremony.

Flamenco Video

Busker Emi La Hezar

Photo Gallery – Detailed

Spain Pavilion (2 pages)

Royal Alcázar



Roman Ruins





Flamenco Video

Busker Emi La Hezar



There is a lot see in Seville, no matter what your interests. Plan for many days since there is a lot to see. Wikipedia’s travel guide has lots more information.


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2 thoughts on “Seville – Flamenco dance and Impressive Spanish culture

  1. Hey, guys. Great article. Lots of detail and fantastic photos.
    I live 1.5 hours away from Sevilla (in Ronda) and have visited a half a dozen times over the years. From hating it early on (school holidays – August) I have grown to love the city: its architecture, the Old Part, the food, the ambience.
    I wrote a piece, in a different way to you, which is here:
    Un abrazo
    Paul Whitelock

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