Five years before I retired, I was terrified of the idea, and planned to work at least until I was age 70. This was partly because of financial concerns, but also just the fact that I genuinely enjoyed my job for over 37 years at that stage.
Now that we have retired, and spent the first 6 months in “vacation” mode, I am realizing the reality of the psychological aspects, which are outlined nicely in this TED Talk video by author Dr. Riley Moynes.
If you are retired this is well worth the 20 minute listen. TED Talk link
Concepts Outline
The four phases of retirement
- Phase 1: Vacation mode (1 year).
- Phase 2 Loss and Lost: of: Routine, Identity, Relationships, Purpose, maybe Power.
- Facing the three D’s: Divorce, Depression, Decline
- Phase 3: Trial and error, searching for meaning, contribute, failure
- Phase 4: Happy, Re-invent and involve service to others, rewire, answer questions-mission, activities, accomplishments.